Haunted PS1 Demo Disc update

A very overdue update

Hello! It's been a hot minute since we last posted an update on Itch. Almost 10 months! Woof. 

We have been *very* busy during this time. Since we last spoke, Axyz has been showcased at 10 events, across 4 countries. As we speak we're gearing up for PGC: London to showcase in the indie zone, and potentially have another 2 events locked over Spring. In regards to all the events we've attended, a massive thank you to everyone who has stopped by a booth and played the game. We've been overwhelmed by the positive reception across each event, which makes showcasing so easy (even if my feet are wrecked by the end).

Haunted PS1 Demo Disc: Flipside Frights

We are incredibly fortunate to announce we are involved with the latest edition of the Haunted PS1 Demo Disc. Along with 23 other demos, the Axyz demo is available to download for this event. We've also uploaded that demo to our page here. The demo has the first 10 levels of the game, along with 5 bonus levels to unlock. 

 Unfortunately, I do not have a detailed list of every change or feature included since last March - here's a snapshot of what has been included: 

  • Updated levels + bonus levels
  • Updated track list
  • Updated SFX
  • Updated visual assets
  • Updated environment design
  • Updated HUD
  • Improved controls
  • Updated Main Menu
  • Rewind mechanic
  • Tutorial prompts
  • High Score
  • about 100 other things. 

Please enjoy. We're also gearing up for Steam Next Fest next month, so be sure to download Axyz when it goes live on our Steam Page.


Haunted PS1 Demo 570 MB
54 days ago

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